Happy Birthday (and Halloween) Juliette Gordon Low
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Happy Birthday, Juliette! (and Happy Halloween )

Today, we celebrate the remarkable Juliette Gordon Low, the visionary founder of the Girl Scouts!

As we mark her birthday on October 31st, let's delve into some intriguing facts about her life and the times she lived in.

How much has changed?

  • Years since her birth: Over 160 years (or a whopping 59,534 days!) have passed since Juliette's birth in 1860.

  • The Savannah of her youth: Back then, Savannah had a population of around 22,292 residents - quite different from the bustling city it is today.

  • The evolution of Halloween: Interestingly, Halloween celebrations were quite different in the mid-1800s, focusing more on community gatherings and fortune-telling games. Trick-or-treating, as we know it, emerged much later in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Did Juliette trick-or-treat?

While it's tempting to imagine a young Juliette in a costume collecting candy, the reality is that trick-or-treating wasn't a widespread practice during her childhood. However, her spirit of generosity and dedication to helping others certainly aligns with the values of community and giving that are central to modern Halloween celebrations.

Still picturing a young Juliette trick-or-treating?

Let your imagination run wild! Even though trick-or-treating wasn't around back then, Savannah's rich history and charm surely provided a unique and unforgettable backdrop for Juliette's childhood.

Looking for a Juliette Birthday patch?

Head over to the Girl Scouts Store and explore their selection, including the Juliette Birthday patch featured in the blog image! (Link: Birthday Patches

Juliette Gordon Low
Fun Facts